Taehyun Personality(Update)

I will now update TXT’s personality reading, since I added new things to my personality readings, and it has been about 4 years, since I did an analysis of them. I would like to update theirs, starting with Yeonjun. I will do 4 categories, first one is their MBTI, second part is Astrology (sun sign), third part is an archetype reading from my archetype deck, and lastly, I will analyze if they are an open, closed, or ambivalent personality type, through my own analysis.


E=Extrovert-I will say he seems more, like an ambivert. I don’t see him being high on either scale. He may just have a bigger circle than he showcases, but he does seem to prefer to be out with others, than stay home alone.

S=Sensor-He is about facts and logic. He lives in the real world. I don’t see him having a big imagination. He is about living life, and getting what needs to be done.

T=Thinker-He honors facts, before feelings. He is sensitive and cares about others, but I do think he tends to see things more black and white. This is right, this is wrong. He rather be right, than worry about feeling. It is just easier to be that way. It is better to get to the pint, than beat around the bush. This can ruffle feathers with the more sensitive members, or people in general.

P=Perceiver-Well, this one surprises me. He may have learned from his job as an idol to be more adaptable, and not be too strict about plans and stuff. I don’t know, I still see him more as a planner, a need for structure and order. Okay, maybe his spontaneous nature can be why he is more of a P, like he is a go getter, if he wants to do something, he does it, so yeah, I can see it.

Entrepreneurs always have an impact on their immediate surroundings – the best way to spot them at a party is to look for the whirling eddy of people flitting about them as they move from group to group. Laughing and entertaining with a blunt and earthy humor, Entrepreneur personalities love to be the center of attention. If an audience member is asked to come on stage, Entrepreneurs volunteer – or volunteer a shy friend.Theory, abstract concepts and plodding discussions about global issues and their implications don’t keep Entrepreneurs interested for long. Entrepreneurs keep their conversation energetic, with a good dose of intelligence, but they like to talk about what is – or better yet, to just go out and do it. Entrepreneurs leap before they look, fixing their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting idle, preparing contingencies and escape clauses(16personalities.com).

After reading this, I can see this does fit him.


So, this just focuses on his sun sign, he has a whole birth chart that helps define him more, so just his sun sign doesn’t define him, just aspects of him. But it is just easier to focus on his sun sign, since that plays a major role in aspects of his personality.

Aquarius (Sun sign)

Independent and enigmatical, Aquarians are unique. There is no one quite like an Aquarius, and because each is so incredibly individual, it can be tough to describe them as a group. Aquarians don’t like labels, and may shy away from any adjective—even the good ones you might bestow upon them. Aquarians believe in the nature of change and evolution, and even though they’re a fixed sign, they may not necessarily believe they are the “same” people they were when they were born.Aquarians have a strong sense of social justice and making the world a better place, and see themselves as just one link in an endless human chain. They are very concerned about others, not because of how others treat them or how they want others to treat them.

Ah, I will Aquarians are very good fits for the idol life style. We see many of them in it. They tend to like to show an appearance of perfection. They really don’t want to show vulnerabilities or weaknesses. They steer away from controversies. This is why they are a good fit. Taehyun fits into that as well. Because of that, they aren’t the most authentic, and can fake it a lot, not saying it is bad, but that is how they like it. They prefer privacy, and keeping their inner thoughts to themselves. They do love attention, maybe a bit too much. They can be materialistic, and have a need for success at all cost. They are quite opne-minded, but if there is an idea they don’t agree with, than that is another story. I do like Aquarius energy for idol. I strongly believe they fit the idol life perfectly. They strive for success. They barely complain. And they get how things work in the industry. They do whatever it takes to get the job done. They are not the most emotional, but they aren’t heartless. They will do everything in their power to avoid any type of criticism. Also, I like that they don’t deal with bs. They can be savage and brutal when need be. I say Tae fits the Aquarius ideal for me.

Archetype Personality:

For this I will pull 6 archetype cards from Kim Krans Archetype deck to get a feel of his personality. Below are the cards pulled. These cards have light and shadow sides, so wherever it lands I will address that side. If it is neutral, I will address both sides. Everyone has shadow sides, so no need to be afraid, no judgment zone here.

The Vessel=He can endure a lot. He can hold his emotions and thoughts in, or contain them pretty well.

The Flame(shadow)-His passion or spark dies down pretty quickly, it is hard for him to stay passionate about something, also he may be prone to having burst of anger or frustration, maybe he can be easily triggered, like he has a short fuse.

The Warrior-Strong, tough, resilient, a fighter. Will defend himself and loved ones if need be.

The King-Nice to see a lot of members with this card. We got lots of leaders in this group. He is powerful and respected. He showcases leadership qualities.

The Sword(shadow)-Facts can hurt, he may lean too much on logic for others to handle. He may lack compassion from time to time.

The Threshold-He is someone who likes to push himself, to reach new limits, and new heights. He is always up for a challenge.

Personality Type: Ambivalent, slightly Closed.

As Aquarians do, they show what they want to show us, he is no different. There are some aspects about himself we know, but others he will keep with him. I don’t think we know who he really is, but that is okay. He doesn’t have to show us all aspects of who he is if he wants his privacy.

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